Management Takeovers

  • Explore the potential for property management expansion through your database interactions. Discover how Move Lettings can empower your business.

We are regularly asked to take on the management of properties with existing tenancies. This can be for several reasons. Sometimes the landlord doesn’t want the responsibility and contact from tenants anymore. Often there has been a breakdown in the relationship with the existing Property Manager.

Nearly always we find issues with compliance and in these cases we set about helping our customers de-risk as much as we possibly can. We aim to give our customers a more enjoyable way to earn passive income.

Through your normal database building and nurturing activities, you will undoubtably speak to a number of landlords who have multiple properties. This offers you an opportunity to discuss taking over the management of these properties. The landlord may be unhappy with the level of service and/or convenience their current agent/property manager provides, this is where it is key you understand the benefits of Move Lettings. Offer your landlords a portfolio review to ensure they are getting market rents and that the property is compliant.
Move Lettings can arrange for the properties to be transitioned over from the current managing company with Zero fuss, and will take care of all of the communication and administration. If a landlord has 15 or more rented properties, speak to Move Lettings for an individual Management Takeover package.

Ready to get started with our Management Takeovers?

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